Monday, January 14, 2008

Jobless No More

That's right. While this may be the tiniest bit premature, (I'm going to the school tomorrow to have my commitment letter signed) I accepted a job offer from the High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology this morning. Yes, after nearly 5 months of being accepted to the fellows program, completing fellows training, interviewing at schools, substitute teaching and watching almost everyone else in my class secure jobs, it finally happened.

And I couldn't be more excited. I was smiling at babies this morning. And they smiled back. In case anyone is seriously interested, here's the school's report card from this year and their review on InsideSchools, an independent group of reviewers that assesses public schools in New York City.


Loyal readers, you can expect this blog to have a much more teacherly bent now that both contributors are full-fledged members of the tribe. Now if I could just get Mr. Gordon Glasses to step away from the margaritas and write a blog...


Milla said...

looks like you landed a pretty sweet job :)

what grade/subject will you be responsible for?

It's good to know that there are schools like this set up to bridge the tech gap for minorities.. There's been a lot of talk lately about the need for minorities to sharpen their 21st century skills in order to be more successful once they graduate.

sounds like a school i'd like to work at.. too bad I don't think I could ever do highschool. they'd probably eat me.

plastic said...